Wellbeing Squad
The Wellbeing Squad is a pupil voice group that has been established to improve the mental health and wellbeing of pupils and staff at Gwaunfarren. The group members aim to promote our SHINE mantra to help generate and embed an ethos of support and positivity throughout our school. They will also take sole responsibility for the successful running and maintenance of the school’s Dojo shop, which has been founded to help promote the holistic positive reward system we uphold at Gwaunfarren. Group members will also take a proactive role in generating ideas for wellbeing activities, innovations such as “Feel-Good Fridays” which have become a popular event for staff and children alike. They also hope to fundraise to raise money to buy various items to help promote talk and mental wellness across the school. The Squad further aims to voice and action the suggestions of learners into what would make the school a happier place to be; the group have set up a ‘suggestion box’ to action ideas initiated by pupils across the school, elevating the importance of the voice of the child. A main role of the Wellbeing Squad for this academic year is to drive the key principles of the UNCRC in order to achieve our RRS Silver Award. It is the hope that through promoting the values of the UNCRC, combined with an ethos of positive health and wellbeing, that our pupils will be learning fit. Generating healthy, confident individuals, ready to lead fulfilling lives as valued members of society.
Feel Good Friday
The last Friday of every month is Feel Good Friday. The pupils vote for the activity that they would like to take part in.